The Energies in April 2023


What a crazy month lays behind us, we can feel that the whole world we know is turning upside down. What will be next???

The new energies of the Rabbit year are really hyperactive and jumping in all directions.


This year 2023 is also the last year in a 20-year cycle and next year we will start a new energy cycle of empathy and hearty expressions starting with the energetic and very positive Dragon. Which means there is hope for a new beginning and a good turn of events.


But meanwhile we have to go through this transition time and year. That’s why we are always experiencing worldwide incident after incident.

The month of April will hopefully bring a new and positive turn towards stabilization and responsibility and the power to work on our future.

So, let’s have a look at the constellation of this month’s energies and see what’s going on.


We are starting on April 5 with the Fire Dragon month in the water Rabbit year.

To the Rabbit of the year:

The Rabbit is super energetic, fast and easily irritated. It is hyperactive among the Zodiac signs and we can feel the lack of concentration and the fast movement of actions around us. The Rabbit belongs to the wood element and in combination with the water element of the year, the Rabbit has the support of the water and therefore is strong and capable.

And as you know already, all Year or Zodiac animals are also only impressions of the five elements: the Rabbit belongs to the Wood element.

The Dragon of the month belongs to the Earth.



In the 5 Element cycle each element should be supported and support the following. In this month we have 1 water, 1 wood, 1 fire and 1 earth and no metal elements.

That means the circle is actually balanced for a change. Only the metal element is missing.


The main points this month are:


  1. The Water is weak, which means there is still no patience and there might be some water related issues.


  1. The Wood of the Rabbit with the support of Water is strong and balanced.


  1. The Fire element is actually more balanced with the support of the Wood, which means less excitement, demonstrations and so on.


  1. The Earth element is also balanced with the support of the Fire, which will finally get us back down to earth, responsibility, family mindedness and stability!


  1. Only the weak Metal element is still weakened by the water but at least has the support of the earth, which is a good progress for law and order.


  1. For the entire year 2023:

Water is the heavenly energy, the wood of the Rabbit, the earthly energy. Water is supporting wood, that means heaven is supporting the earth and as such the actions happening around the world are following a heavenly plan, are supported or initiated by heaven. So, there is hope that there will be light after this period of darkness and craziness and let’s pray that, with the Dragon in this month and in the coming year 2024, a new time period will start worldwide with positive and constructive ideas and common sensed deeds.


Feng Shui is: to be protected and to be in control!


The worst energies this month are in the North-west (watch what’s going on in the US and Canada).


The best energies worldwide and at home will be in the South and West.

I always recommend sleeping with the head towards a good direction and good energies and while working, to have the good energies in our backs to support us.


You are invited to join our monthly free Zoom Shui seminar to learn more about your home and the corrections. (Every first Sunday in the month, free tickets are available via Eventbrite or contact us), now in English and in Hebrew.

This is part of our global community activity to stay connected and set our minds for positivity and love.

We are connecting our Facebook Group “Uchakra Community & Feng Shui Inspirations” page live during the regular Zoom meeting.

In our group, in our websites ( and and on our YouTube channel you will also find the recordings of our monthly sessions, in case you missed it.


As always, our Feng Shui Calendar is a very useful tool to be prepared for all options. Check at least the general problematic days (marked in red), not to schedule anything important there; and also learn your personal trouble days, not to plan crucial appointments (signing contracts, doctor’s appointment, operations or travelling…) on these days.

In April 2023, the most difficult days are the days of the Dog, Dragon, Rabbit, Rat and Rooster (as in the whole year).

On these days, drive very carefully, don’t take any chances and take it easy! This is especially important for all born in these years. You can also check the daily energies on the Feng Shui calculator on our website. (

Here is the list of the problematic days for each of you. Off course you will have to consult our Feng Shui calendar, which is an essential tool for everyone and each business on a daily basis.









If you want to check your Year animal or the Chinese Zodiac animal, you were born, please see our article:


April 2023 is the month of the Fire Dragon.

It will start having an impact from April 5. To May 6. 2023.


Always remember, the Chinese year starts at the beginning of February 4th or 5th usually until the February of the following year. If you are not sure, you can always ask us.


All of you born in the year of

the Rabbit, Rat and Rooster and Dog and Dragon:


Rat years:             1936, 1948, 1960, 1972, 1984, 1996, 2018 and 2020

Rabbit years:       1939, 1951, 1963, 1975, 1987, 1999, 2011 and 2023

Rooster years:     1933, 1945, 1957, 1969, 1981, 1993, 2005 and 2017

Dog years:            1934, 1946, 1958, 1970, 1982, 1994, 2006 and 2018

Dragon years:      1928, 1940, 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000 and 2012


Please take a few precautions; April has some challenges for you.


  • Don’t take any chances!
  • Watch your health.
  • Drive very carefully.
  • Don’t exaggerate in anything!


All the other Zodiac years are doing just fine!



Our advice for everyone in the April month:


  • Put the yearly Feng Shui corrections in place (see our article about the New Chinese Year 2023)


  • Add salt in all windows or doors to the North and NW.


  • Add some metal to the SW.


  • Keep these areas (NW, NE, and SE) as quiet as possible.


  • Do more meditation for positive thinking and planning for the future. In this month we recommend to concentrate on your Third Eye Chakra, located on your forehead between the eyebrows, to gain positivity and get a clear vision. Our amazing and still free Uchakra app (App store or Play store) will help you.


  • All colors are good to wear!


  • Best directions to sit on your desk: facing the North or NE!


  • Our Health tip:


  • For April only: The best directions to sleep (with the headboard) in this month are the South, South-west and West.
  • Watch your health and take daily supplements (advice from Dr. Vladimir Zelenko, may he rest in peace):


 Vitamin C (750 mg at least),

 D3 (5000 IU),

 Zinc (25 mg)

 Quercetin (400 mg).


The combination of these 4 supplements will empower your natural immune system.

         Most Covid patients had a deficiency in Vitamin D!


  • Get more sunshine and exercise.


  • Use our Uchakra meditations for relaxing and healing daily. Just download the App on your Play or App store on your phone.


  • The Best directions this month are: South, South-west and West!

       Activate them.


Wishing you

A clear mind,

A positive vision of our freedom

And the enthusiastic and powerful optimism of the Dragon.


Happy Passover and Easter Holidays


Anette Halfon