The Monthly Astrological

Energy Forecast 

To register to our next Forecast, please press on the picture.

(To watch this month’ forecast, please scroll down)

Practical instructions to help with daily life’s challenges
according to ancient Feng Shui principles

zoom shui, energy forecast


Our Zoom Shui meetings:


The Energies in the month of July 2024



The Energies in the month of June 2024


Our Zoom Shui  meeting:

The Energies in the month of May 2024



Our Zoom Shui meeting:

The Energies in the month of April 2024



Our Spring-Time Feng Shui Lecture for your Family


Our Zoom Shui meeting:

The Energies in the month of March 2024



Our Zoom Shui meeting:

The Energies in the month of February 2024


Our Zoom Shui meeting:

The Energies in the month of January 2024

Our Zoom Shui meeting:

The Energies in the month of December 2023

Get our unique Feng Shui Energy calendar for 2024.

How can this calendar help me?

There are universal energies influencing us all the time. With the help of the Energy calendar you can choose the best dates for all important tasks. It makes your life easier!

Cast: $ 38.99

לוח שנה אנרגטי


The Energies in November 2023


הדרכה איך להגן על האוהבים שלנו גם מרחוק בעזרת כללים פשוטים מהאסטרולוגיה הסינית



Our Zoom Shui meeting: The Energies in October 2023


Our Zoom Shui meeting: The Energies of September 2023


Our Zoom Shui meeting: The Energies of August 2023


Our Zoom Shui meeting: The Energies of July 2023





Our Zoom Shui meeting: The Energies in May 2023


Our Zoom Shui meeting: The Energies in March 2023


Our Zoom Shui meeting: The Energies in January 2023


Cosmic chat with Anette


Our Zoom Shui meeting: the Energies in December 2022


Our Zoom Shui meeting: The Energies in October 2022

Our Zoom Shui meeting: The Energies in September 22


Feng Shui & Kabbalah class for Love


Our Zoom Shui Meeting in August 22


Our Zoom Shui Meeting in July 22

Our Zoom Shui Meeting in June 22

Our videos

Our Zoom Shui Meeting in June 22


Our Zoom Shui Meeting in May 22


Our Zoom Shui Meeting in April 22


Our Zoom Shui for March 22

Interview at the LAGreekHebrewRadio!
קצת אנרגיות טובות בתקופה האתגרית

כמה טיפים מה כדאי לעשות בתקופת הקורונה שכולנו חייבים להיות בבית.
Enjoy our Interview with Naomi Zohar


Get important tips how to use Feng Shui during the Corona Virus crisis